Inbetweenysode – AMI Protection Viewpoint

Hi everyone, we have our first ever second IBTS of the podcast in one season and with very good reason! We have just seen the launch of the AMI Protection Viewpoint report of 2022 and in this episode we have Senior Policy Adviser, Stacy Penn, with us to talk through the findings of this report.

We are talking about adapting approaches in your sales techniques to bring protection right 

The key takeaways:

  • Consumer Duty requirements are not about reinventing the wheel, it’s making sure that we are empowering customers to make the right decisions.
  • Advising on protection insurance isn’t just about protecting the client, it’s making sure that you are also protecting your business by doing a complete job for their financial security. 
  • As an industry we need to do more to encourage younger generations to see the value of protection, especially income protection.

You can read the full report here

Next time we have Matt Rann back with us and we are going to be talking about high net worth protection insurance. We have a good chat about how ‘jumbo’ insurances can result in different underwriting outcomes than lower sum assured cases.

Remember, if you are listening to this as part of your work, you can claim a CPD certificate on our website, thanks to our sponsors Octo Members.

If you want to know more about how to arrange protection insurance, take a look at my 13 hour CPD Protection Insurance in Practice course here and 1 hour CPD Protection Competency Exam here.

To follow.

To be completed

Transcript Disclaimer:

Episodes of the Practical Protection Podcast include a transcript of the episode’s audio. The text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record.

We often discuss health and medical conditions in relation to protection insurance and underwriting, always consult with a healthcare professional if you are concerned about any medical conditions and symptoms we have covered in any episode.

Inbetweenysode - AMI Protection Viewpoint

Hi everyone, we have our first ever second IBTS of the podcast in one season and with very good reason! We have just seen the launch of the AMI Protection Viewpoint report of 2022 and in this episode we have Senior Policy Adviser, Stacy Penn, with us to talk through the findings of this report.

We are talking about adapting approaches in your sales techniques to bring protection right 

The key takeaways:

  • Consumer Duty requirements are not about reinventing the wheel, it’s making sure that we are empowering customers to make the right decisions.
  • Advising on protection insurance isn’t just about protecting the client, it’s making sure that you are also protecting your business by doing a complete job for their financial security. 
  • As an industry we need to do more to encourage younger generations to see the value of protection, especially income protection.

You can read the full report here

Next time we have Matt Rann back with us and we are going to be talking about high net worth protection insurance. We have a good chat about how ‘jumbo’ insurances can result in different underwriting outcomes than lower sum assured cases.

Remember, if you are listening to this as part of your work, you can claim a CPD certificate on our website, thanks to our sponsors Octo Members.

If you want to know more about how to arrange protection insurance, take a look at my 13 hour CPD Protection Insurance in Practice course here and 1 hour CPD Protection Competency Exam here.

To follow.

To be completed

Transcript Disclaimer:

Episodes of the Practical Protection Podcast include a transcript of the episode's audio. The text is the output of AI based transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors and should not be treated as an authoritative record.

We often discuss health and medical conditions in relation to protection insurance and underwriting, always consult with a healthcare professional if you are concerned about any medical conditions and symptoms we have covered in any episode.